Monday, January 4, 2010

Reason #4 (Meg):

Beer drinking. Thank GOD you are in England, because there is nothing to drink at the Scales' house but beer. You heard right, NO Mike's...OR Smirnoff. Not even the occasional B&J' pretty much, you'd be screwed if you were here anyway. I know what you're thinking..."Meg, we could drive to the store-problem solved." FALSE. The roads are too icy and sadly, though it is a Honda, my car sucks on the ice... So you see, unless you want to drink something that you think tastes like's good you are in England and can drink other things. If, by some magical stroke of luck, my best friend (that's you...) were to take up drinking beer, I looked up a few things you should know:

1. Britain is also well known for its ale which tends to be dark in appearance and heavier than lager. It is known as "bitter"

2. Customs in British pubs differ from those in American bars. In Britain, you must go to the bar to order drinks and food and pay for your purchase immediately, there is no table service. Bartenders are called "landlords" and "barmaids" and they do not expect frequent tipping. To tip a landlord or barmaid, it is customary to tell him to "would you like a drink yourself?"

Personally, it sounds like hitting on the barmaid to me...but hey, who knows. If you come back a lesbo, you know I'm game. :) Therefore, reason #4 to look on the bright side: No Bitch Brews. :) Love and miss you!!


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